Access Your Secure Client Portal
Our Client Portal is available for you to send us your important tax documents or to download copies for your files.
Why Travel Nurse Tax Pro
Affordable, Reliable, Knowledgeable
Unfortunately, relying on an inexperienced local preparer or even the well intentioned advice of your recruiter, co-worker, or online discussion forum often can lead to a very costly mistake.
Our personalized approach is focused on providing superior service to travel nurses and other locum tenens medical professionals. We'll help you file an accurate and timely return that maximizes the deductions you are legally entitled to take while helping you avoid claiming deductions you are not entitled to take.
As one of the largest national firms specializing in Travel Nurse Tax Preparation, Travel Nurse Tax Pro's use of technology and client service is guaranteed to make your tax preparation process a satisfying experience.
Receive Your Copy of the Official Tax Guide for Travel Nurses
If you would like to receive a complimentary copy of the authoritative tax manual for travel nurses and other mobile professionals be sure to request your copy before March 31st, 2017.
Your Streamlined Tax Preparation Process starts here. . .
Travel Nurse Tax Pro has simplified the process to efficiently gather the information necessary to complete your return accurately without burdening you with complicated forms and workbooks.
From our Quick Start scheduling system to our online surveys and secure client portals we've made it easy for you to become a client and have your return professionally prepared at a reasonable cost.
Are you ready to have your tax return professionally prepared by the industry leader in travel nurse tax preparation? Simply select the most convenient option for you.
Complete the Quick Start Survey
Simply complete the Quick Start Survey. One of our travel specialists will get back to you within 24 hours by email to get your return started and to schedule a mutually agreeable deadline to complete your return.
Whether you would like to just learn a little more about our services or prefer to speak directly with one of our tax specialists to get things started -- we would like to talk with you. Select a time that's convenient for you.
Travel Nurse Tax Pro Services & Fees
Our fee structure is straight forward and simple. Our goal is to provide superior service at a quality yet affordable rate.
1st Year Travelers
(Includes Federal+1 State; with or without Schedule A)
Travel Nurse Tax Returns
(Includes Federal+ 1 State Return w/ Schedule A)
Former Travelers
$195.00 - $260.00 per year
Former travellers may participate in our "Taxes Made Easy Program".
Amended Returns
$595.00/per year
Need to amend your return? Mistakes can be costly.
Additional Services & Fees
There is no additional fee for filing electronically and we do not nickel and dime you on forms like other firms that charge you by the form. We do charge a nominal $50.00 fee for each additional state tax return. If you do not participate in the 'Tax Compliance Program' you should contact us within 10 days of receiving any IRS, or State Tax Authority, letter or Notice so that we can assist you in responding properly. In addition to preparing tax returns for travel nurses we do prepare more complex individual and business returns. If this is something you are interested in please let us know.
Let's Get Started Filing My Return
We'd love to discuss further, so please take a time to fill-out the form and keep in touch with you!
Hear what others say
Travel Nurse Tax Pro has been serving nurses and other people whether it's travel tax, tax return and other tax services. Here are what our happy clients say!
We're Social too!
Our client's are like family to us. We'd like to connect with you using your preferred social media tools. We hope you'll take a moment to connect with us and share your positive experience with others.
The greatest compliment is your referral.
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