
Why Choose
Travel Nurse TaxPros ?

  • All-Inclusive Pricing: Our flat fee covers up to two state returns, local returns, and most common schedules (A,B,D).
  • No Hidden Costs: Clear, upfront pricing ensures no surprises.
  • Transparency You Can Trust: Simple, straightforward, and easy to understand.
  • No Marriage Penalty: There is no additional charge for a married filing joint return.
  • Small Administrative Fee: We charge a flat 4% administrative fee for all billed services.

Straightforward Pricing See How We Compare


We believe in keeping things simple-no hidden fees, no surprise costs.
At TravelNurseTaxPro, you get superior service at an affordable, flat rate. Compare our all-inclusive pricing to the unpredictable per-form fees charged by other ordinary tax preparers and see why hiring a Pro makes cents!

TravelNurseTaxPro vs. Ordinary Joe Taxpreparer



Joe Taxpreparer

Form 1040 (Travelers)



State Return

2 Included
(additional only $35 each)

$80 per state

Local Return



Schedules A, B, D, etc.,


? ? ?

Phone Consult During the Year


? ? ?

Admin Processing Fee

Typically 3-7%
($13.00 - 30.00)

? ? ?

Total Cost (**)

$445 Flat Fee
(+Admin Fee $17.80)


TravelNurseTaxPro fees are typically
$50.00 to $150.00 less than most per-form preparer fees!

Travel Nurse Tax Pro provides expert Tax Preparation for current and former Travel Nurses.

Ready for a stress-free tax filing experience? No hidden costs, no surprises. Just expert service at a fixed price.

More Complex Return?  Simpler Return?  Past Due Returns?

While 80% of returns we prepare, there are sometimes exceptions. If your return is a much simpler tax return, or possibly more complex, than most of the travel nurse tax returns we prepare every year, we invite you to secure an individualized quote by simply complete using the link below to:

We'll review your situation and provide a specific fixed-fee quote.